30 Jul 2013

UTC eNews 201360 week 2

UTC eNews 201360 Week 2




PhD student Matthew Wilcoxen has a new article in Heythrop Journal: "Augustine's Theology of Time: A Trinitarian Reassessment of Confessions 11" http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/heyj.12056/abstract



Wednesday 7 August - the Westmead Congregation Visit has been cancelled and an alternative programme at the CFM is being developed. More details next week.



Theological Education Resourcing Network (“Uniting Learning Network”) - The UTC Student Association invites all students to attend a meeting on 1 August 2013 at 5.00pm in G2 to hear more about the creation of the Theological Education Resourcing Network and the establishment of the resourcing hub for this network at the Centre for Ministry. Kath Merrifield, (Director of Uniting Mission and Education and Gerard Moore (Head of the School of Theology and Academic Dean) will both speak and be available to answer questions that students may have.

Senior Student - Suzanne Stanton, will be available to discuss with students any concerns or needs every Thursday during semester from 1.00pm until 4.00pm. She will be located in the All Saints Room in the library. If you need to contact Suzanne at any time, or wish to arrange a meeting at another time, you can ring her on 0408 659 702 or email her at suziestanton@bigpond.com. According to the charter of the Student Association, the Senior Student is appointed to represent the Student Association in its dealings with the Principal and other relevant bodies, be involved in pastoral oversight of students and consult with the Principal about the day to day running of the college.



ALL students please ensure that fees have been paid and changes to enrolments made by Friday the 2nd of August, if you have any queries or problems that arise please come and see Student Administration.



Some books from a personal collection have been donated to the Library - some of these will be available for sale at the following times

Wed 7 August - 1pm-5pm

Thu 8 August - 10.30am-5pm

Please contact the Library for access to the books during the above times.


CHAPEL SERVICE & COMMUNITY LUNCH - a Service of Word and Sacrament will be held on Wednesday 31st from 11.30am-12.30pm followed by community lunch - all welcome. The lectionary for Sunday 4 August (Pentecost 11) is Hosea 11:1-11, Psalm 107:1-9, 43, Colossians 3:1-11, Luke 1:13-21 (Green).



Scholarships for Undergraduate and Continuing education - applications for the second round of scholarships in 2013 are now open and close Tuesday 6 August. Download an application form from www.utc.edu.au or www.ume.nsw.uca.org.au or contact Student Admin.


CPE’s 50th - this year is the 50th Anniversary of Clinical Pastoral Education. UME’s Pastoral Counselling Institute (PCI) are hosting the annual CPE Conference at the CFM on 25-26 July and the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir will visit to award certificates to graduates on Friday.



Gross failure of compassion on asylum seekers - The Uniting Church in Australia has expressed its deep concern over the latest round of policy amendments designed to punish asylum seekers arriving by boat. President, Rev. Prof. Andrew Dutney spoke of his dismay at the extreme abdication of responsibility demonstrated by the new arrangements announced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. "We now see firmly entrenched in our political system an approach that seeks to circumvent the spirit of hospitality and compassion codified in international treaties and obligations," said Rev. Prof. Dutney.

"Denying refugees the possibility of settlement in Australia denies them hope and will have a devastating impact on those who have fled persecution. We know from recent UN reports that the processing centre on Manus Island is grossly inadequate. We also know that the ongoing human rights violations and extreme poverty in Papua New Guinea mean it is not a safe option for permanent resettlement of refugees. It is burden-shifting at its most base."

National Director of UnitingJustice Rev. Elenie Poulos noted that the most recent suite of policy changes is one of the most disproportionate responses witnessed in recent years. "Both major political parties are refusing to acknowledge the reality of the lives of those who arrive by boat," said Rev. Poulos. "People will continue to make dangerous journeys as long as they feel unsafe where they are. If we are serious about saving lives the focus must be on improving protection and conditions for asylum seekers in the countries in the region. It is a fact that Australia receives less than 0.3% of refugees worldwide – a miniscule amount. And of those who do arrive, that over 90% of those seeking asylum are found to be fleeing persecution and in need of protection.Today is the day we can say for certain that we have lost our moral compass when it comes to compassion for asylum seekers and refugees," said Rev. Poulos.

For the story on Uniting Church representatives speaking out at a Federal Government caucus meeting in Balmain, see http://assembly.uca.org.au/news/item/1420-speaking-truth-to-power-about-asylum-seekers 



Wesleyan Conference - the Fifth Annual ACWR (Australian Centre for Wesleyan Research) Conference is being held 26-27 July at Bulayu House. This year’s theme is Holy Trinity - Holy People. More information http://acwr.edu.au/fifth-annual-acwr-conference-26-27-july-2013

702 ABC Sydney Morning program Election broadcast live from Parramatta: The Town Hall Forum

Linda Mottram and the Morning team will broadcast from the Parramatta Town Hall on Wednesday 31 July from 8:30am, to find out what matters in the region. This is your chance to ask the questions that matter to you and have your say about the future of Sydney in the lead-up to the Federal Election. Audience questions will drive the forum, giving voters in the Parramatta area a chance to air the issues that matter to them. The Forum will also have a special focus on young voters. Are they as disengaged as some claim? Do they think beyond “youth” issues? How will they manage the needs of an aging Australia, balance mining and the environment or address the population debate? So you don’t have to be Gen Y to come along.

Everyone including community groups, students and Industry Leaders and are invited to attend our Town Hall Forum to experience live radio and join the discussion. Please register to be part of audience at abc.net.au/sydney


If you can’t get to our Town Hall Forum, tune in to the live broadcast from 8.30am or stream online at abc.net.au/sydney. You can also be part of the conversation online at facebook.com/702abcsydney or on Twitter using the hashtag #ParraForum.

Date: Wednesday 31 July 2013

Time: 8.30am (start) – 11am (Forum will run until10.00am)

Place: Parramatta Town Hall, 182 Church Street, Parramatta


           FINAL DAYS    ***    FINAL DAYS    ***    FINAL DAYS


Kentigern Sale - Now 90% off all stock

Sale will end Wednesday 31 July

Cash or credit card only

Mon-Sat 9.00am-5.00pm


Some titles available:

The Ugly Duckling goes to Work, Mette Norgaard, $2.80

Wild at Heart, John Eldridge $1.30

The Story We Find Ourselves In, Brian McClaren $3.40

The Last Word and the Word After That, Brian McClaren, $3.40

Disordered Loves: Healing the Seven Deadly Sins, William Stafford $1.30

One World: The Interaction of Science & Technology, John Polkinghorne $2.50

The Birth of Plenty, William Bernstein $4.00


Our weekly eNewsletter is also posted on our utcnews blog. To follow or subscribe go to http://utcnews.blogspot.com/

The newsletter is from the Academic Dean & College Assistant
Please direct news items to suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au

If you no longer wish to receive UTC eNews, please notify suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au

15 Jul 2013

UTC eNews 201360 Week 1

UTC eNews  201360 Week 1


We trust everyone has had a restful and enjoyable break and we look forward to seeing you as classes commence for second session this week. Orientation for new students is also being held - so if you see some new people around, please make them feel welcome.

Good news about our faculty!  The results of the CSU student survey on learning and teaching in 2012 have been released.  Our students have spoken and the School of Theology received the second highest score across the university on effective teaching for face-to-face mode, and the second highest score across the university as a whole for distance education mode.  Congratulations to all our teachers.  Many thanks also to students who filled out the online evaluations: these are read closely by the university and progress and improvement is monitored.  Your contribution makes a difference.


Opening Hours Session 2 - In view of the new staffing quotas, the library will need to close on an additional evening per week. As there are no classes scheduled for Wednesday evenings, the library will close at 5pm.

So the hours for Session 2 will be:

Mon, Tues  10.30-6.30

Weds          10.30-5.00

Thurs          10.30-6.30

Fri               10.30-5.00


Mail - students are asked to collect their mail and marked assignments form the pigeon holes outside student administration.

Enrolments - please finalise your enrolment by Friday 19 July, otherwise you will be charged a late fee of $50 for adding in subjects.

CFM community gathering - this will now be held as a morning tea from 11am each Tuesday in the Atrium - all welcome.

Pizza Night - it is with regret that students are advised that Pizza night will not be offered for this upcoming semester as the cost has become prohibitive for UTC to carry even with the student contributions. If you have alternative suggestions, please feel free to contact Susanne Stanton from the Student Association on suziestanton@bigpond.com

CHAPEL SERVICE & COMMUNITY LUNCH - a Service of Word and Sacrament will be held on Wednesday 17th from 11.30am-12.30pm followed by community lunch - all welcome. The lectionary for Sunday 21 July (Pentecost 9) is Amos 8:1-12, Psalm 52, Colossians 15-28, Luke 10:38-42 (Green).


Scholarships for Undergraduate and Continuing education - applications for the second round of scholarships in 2013 are now open and close Tuesday 6 August. Download an application form from www.utc.edu.au or www.ume.nsw.uca.org.au or contact Student Admin.

Kentigern Sale - 80% off all stock
Sale extended until Wednesday 31 July
Cash or credit card only
Mon-Sat 9.00am-5.00pm

Some titles available:

God under Howard, Marrion Maddox - $6.00

Why we’re equal, Val Webb - $6.80

God as he long for you to see Him, Chip Ingram - $1.40

Men behaving badly, John Goldingay - $4.40

Spiritually incorrect finding God in all the wrong places, Dan Wakefield - $5.80

Right and Wrong, Hugh Mackay - $5.00

The story of Christianity, Justo L Gonzalez - $7.50


A Prayer for Friendship in the Presence of Difference  - the President, Rev. Professor Andrew Dutney, has called on Australians to show due respect for each other’s faith, after a Muslim MP was vilified for choosing to swear his oath of office on the Koran. Western Sydney MP Ed Husic became the first Australian Federal Member of Parliament to take his ministerial oath on the Koran when sworn in as a Parliamentary Secretary this week. He subsequently became a target of abuse on social media.

“This was a moment in our history as a nation to celebrate our diversity and our success as a multicultural society,” said Rev. Professor Andrew Dutney. “Instead Australians of goodwill are again forced to rebut attacks that display the worst kind of religious intolerance. The representation of people of all faiths in our Parliament is something of which we can be justly proud.”

The National Director responsible for the Uniting Church’s relations with other faiths, Rev. Glenda Blakefield, has called on Australians of all faiths – and those of no faith as well - to open their hearts in friendship to those who are different from us.  “We are called to love our neighbour as ourselves, regardless of religion, culture, ethnicity or beliefs,” said Rev. Blakefield.

“The Uniting Church in Australia actively seeks to promote the knowledge and understanding of other living world faiths and communities through our Relations with Other Faiths work. This ministry, which works with Islamic, Jewish and other faiths, acknowledges the Uniting Church’s role in our multicultural and multi-faith society. God delights in diversity and seeks unity from us, which is why we work towards creating relationships with other faiths as an important part of our ministry,” said Rev. Blakefield.
MCCM Resources - A compilation of resources is now available from the Multicultural and Cross Cultural Ministry unit of the VIC/TAS Synod - see http://assembly.uca.org.au/mcm/news/item/1410-new-resource for more details.


Faith leaders join in prayer to combat climate change  - Religious leaders from across Sydney joined together at a prayer vigil at Pitt Street Uniting Church last week to call for bipartisan support of a carbon price.

Leaders included those from Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu traditions and all have signed the open letter on climate change. The leaders signed an open letter, coordinated by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, which asks politicians to act on climate change this election.
Rev. Dr Brian Brown, Moderator of the NSW and ACT Synod, joined the vigil and shared the story of the NSW and ACT Synod’s decision to divest in fossil fuels. “As Christians, we share a concern for the common good. Not just for humanity, but for the good of all creation,” said the Moderator. “We must understand we are entrusted with a stewardship of this earth and it is our responsibility to care for the garden that is creation.”

Leaders of other faiths also spoke about the religious impetus to act now on climate change and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Ajahn Brahmavamso, Head of the Australian Sangha Association, a Buddhist fellowship, said that the wisdom of leaders of all faiths should be considered deeply. “Leaders of our great faith traditions will see far into the future and think of future generations. We must act now to preserve what we have for future generations,” said Mr. Brahmavamso.

The vigil included prayer in the Christian and Jewish tradition, as well as time for reflection and comment from all the leaders. Leaders spoke about their spiritual and faith based motivations for supporting greater action on climate change, which included a strong theme of social justice and the environment across the different faiths.
The letter has also been signed by other prominent faith leaders including the President of the Uniting Church in Australia National Assembly, Rev. Prof Andrew Dutney, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad and Senior Rabbi of the Great Synagogue in Sydney, Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence. See http://assembly.uca.org.au/news/item/1407-faith-leaders-join-in-prayer-to-combat-climate-change


Our weekly eNewsletter is also posted on our utcnews blog. To follow or subscribe go to http://utcnews.blogspot.com/

The newsletter is from the Academic Dean & College Assistant
Please direct news items to suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au

If you no longer wish to receive UTC eNews, please notify suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au

3 Jul 2013

UTC eNews 2013 July Break

UTC eNews  2013 July Break



The last week has seen a few transitions at the College. Clive Pearson’s Placement concluded on 30 June. The College Council will organise a farewell for Clive in due course. Clive remains an adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Theology, continuing with his research higher degree supervisions as well as some teaching. The Principal's mantle has now fallen to Carolyn Thornley who holds the position in an acting capacity.

Also concluding her service to the College is Gwen Rosolen, who worked mainly with the ordination candidates but was well known across the College community. Parts of her job have been shared around liberally, but much falls to Rohan, who is the new face in the UTC/CSU administration area. The now enlarged reception team will take on much of the administration for the various groups now based in the Centre for Ministry.

You will see some new people in the previously vacant offices around the Centre, and also in the now temporarily refitted G4 classroom. The Church's Uniting Mission and Education staff have been relocated to the site as of Thursday last, allowing for better use of the facility and a greater synergy between the different teams and personnel. This has meant that a few people have had to change offices: Suzanne Cullen is now in the office that Gerard Moore filled, while Gerard is in the far corner room that previously housed the photocopier and other printing paraphernalia, and which has now been moved to Suzanne's old office. David Holden has also moved office, to the East wing. If you are looking for someone in particular, just ask at Reception or Student Reception and our friendly admin people will point you in the right direction.



UTC Hosted Event - Ecumenical Service/Prayer Gathering for the WCC Busan Assembly, Tuesday 9 July 2013 - UTC, in partnership with the Korean Presbytery/Ministers Association/Korean Community, will be hosting the visit of dignitaries from the WCC Busan Assembly in Korea, at the Centre for Ministry. Programme:

5.30pm Dinner with guest speaker, Dr Sang Chang (former Prime Minister, former Chancellor of Ewha Women’s University) & Co-Moderator of the Korea Host Committee

7.00pm Worship in St Andrew’s Chapel - led by UTC & Synod leaders

You are warmly invited to join this gathering to affirm and develop our ecumenical relationships with the Korean churches and Christian universities/partners. For catering, please RSVP Suzanne Cullen on 8838 8915 or suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au


Opening Hours Session 2 - In view of the new staffing quotas, the Library will need to close on an additional evening per week. As there are no classes scheduled for Wednesday evenings, the library will close at 5pm.

So the hours for Session 2 will be:

Mon, Tues    10.30-6.30

Weds           10.30-5.00

Thurs           10.30-6.30

Fri               10.30-5.00

CHAPEL SERVICE & COMMUNITY LUNCH - is in recess during the academic break.


Pentecost 7: 2 Kgs 5:1-14, Ps 30, Gal 6: (1-6), 7-16, Lk 10:1-11, 16-20 (Green)


Kentigern Sale - 80% off all stock

Sale extended until Wednesday 31 July

Cash or credit card only

Mon-Sat 9.00am-5.00pm

Some titles available:

Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad, Timothy George, now $4.00

Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz Curtis Higgs, now $4.00

When Choice Matters, Mark W Worthing, now $4.00

From Sands to Solid Ground, Michael Morwood, now $5.00

Setting Hearts on Fire, John Chapman, now $4.00

Uprising, Erwin Raphael McManus, now $5.00


An Open Letter from Australian Religious Leaders:

As people of faith, we draw attention to one of the most urgent moral issues facing us in the upcoming election.

The International Energy Agency and other influential bodies are now warning us about an unthinkable 4 degree Celsius rise in temperatures if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase. Recent experiences of extreme weather events, both here and overseas, are a mild foretaste of what this will mean. We are despoiling the world given to us as a sacred trust for future generations.

The world is already moving to take strong preventative action. Ninety countries, representing 90 per cent of global emissions, have carbon reduction programs in place and Australia now has a price on carbon. However our country continues to be a significant contributor to the problem. With our small population, we are among the world’s 20 largest emitters and one of the two largest coal exporters.

We must wind back our exports of cheap coal which are currently hindering the global drive for renewable energy. We must diminish our reliance on fossil fuels and replace them with clean, renewable sources of energy. As part of this, carbon pricing must be given bipartisan support. Only then will Australia be part of the solution.

In the upcoming election we urge all Australians to give this moral issue the attention it demands. Our world is a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility. We must act now if we are to protect this sacred trust.


Rev. Professor Andrew Dutney, President, Uniting Church of Australia National Assembly

Archbishop Philip Wilson, Archbishop of Adelaide and Chair of Catholic Earthcare Australia

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, Grand Mufti of Australia

Professor Nihal Agar, Chairman, Hindu Council of Australia

Ajahn Barhm, Chair, Australian Sangha Association, Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery

Sr Annette Cunliffe rsc, President, Catholic Religious Australia

Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, Senior Rabbi, The Great Synagogue, Sydney

Rev. Dr Brian Brown, Moderator, Uniting Church of Australia NSW and ACT Synod

Bishop George Browning, Convenor, Anglican Communion Environment Network

Professor Neil Ormerod, Professor of Theology, Australian Catholic University

Mr Hafez Kassem, President, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils

Rabbi Jeffery Kamins, Senior Rabbi, Emanuel Synagogue

Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Chairperson, Rabbinic Council of Progressive Rabbis

Graeme Lyall AM, President, Amitabha Buddhist Association of New South Wales

Rev. Professor james Haire AC AM, Director, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Rev. Rod Benson, Ethicist & Public Theologian, Australian Baptist Ministries

This letter was coordinated by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change.


NAIDOC Week, 7-14 July - this year’s theme We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963 celebrates the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Yirrkala Bark Petitions to Federal Parliament.

In 1963 the Yolngu people of northeast Arnhem Land presented the petition framed by traditional bark paintings to seek recognition of rights to their traditional lands on the Gove Peninsula. The Yolngu people lived on Yirrkala Methodist mission had been assisted by missionaries, Christians and others in their achievements. On 20 February 1963, upon discovering that the government was going to reduce the mission land to half-a-square mile for mining, Rev Edgar Wells telegrammed nine leading newspapers, individuals and organisations, informing them of the Yolngu people’s situation - this lead to international publicity. A number of Methodist clergy and lay people were so convicted of their Christian duty to support the Aboriginal people of Yirrkala in their quest to be able to make decisions about the future of their land, they offered personally to finance an appeal.

This year’s theme highlights the foresight, strength and determination of the Yolngu people who set into motion a long process of legislative and constitutional reforms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The petitions are an important part of our history as they were the first traditional documents recognised by the Commonwealth Parliament and helped to shape acknowledgment of Aboriginal people and their land rights.They played a key role in advancing changes to the constitution and the introduction of the Native Title Act.

NSW Ecumenical Council invites you to hear Dr Tamara Grdzelidze, 15 July -

Dr Grdzelidze of the World Council of Churches Faith and Order Secretariat will speak on “The Church: towards a common vision”, 10.00am-Noon Monday 15 July in the Meeting Room, 7th Floor, 379 Kent St, Sydney

Dr Grdzelidze (Orthodox Church of Georgia) is a Programme Executive within the Faith and Order Secretariat of the World Council of Churches, Geneva. She holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford, a doctorate in Mediaeval Georgian Literature from Tbilisi State University and an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology, University of Bern. For details of 15 July meeting contact Kathy Moroney NSWEC, 9299 2215 (Mon-Wed) kmoroney@ncca.org.au or Doug Hewitt, 4969 6336, doug.isabel@gmail.com


Our weekly eNewsletter is also posted on our utcnews blog. To follow or subscribe go to http://utcnews.blogspot.com/

The newsletter is from the Academic Dean & College Secretary
Please direct news items to suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au

If you no longer wish to receive UTC eNews, please notify suzannec@nsw.uca.org.au