23 Jun 2014

UTC eNews 19 June 2014

You are welcome to join us for Chapel each week; Devotions during Semester at 9.20am on Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays, the Wednesday Service of Word and Sacrament during the Semester is at 11.30am.

You are also welcome to join us for Community Lunch at 12.40pm on the Wednesday during the Semester time.


 After Crucifixion:
A Symposium on the Theology of Craig Keen
27 – 28 June

On 27-28 June, UTC will host a small symposium on the work of the contemporary Wesleyan Theologian Craig Keen. Central to Craig Keen’s work is the belief that human reflection on the mystery of God is always embodied, and that theology is structured by a pattern of embodied reflection and embodied giving.

The symposium will explore Craig Keen’s contribution to contemporary theology, and will offer scholarly engagement with his work; Keen will also present a lecture and will respond to papers.

Speakers include Nate Kerr, Peter Kline, Manuel Joshua Lopez, Anita Monro, Benjamin Myers, Janice Rees, David Reinhart, Christopher Waks, Paul Walton, and Steve Wright.

Schedule: Friday 27 June - 9am to 6pm and Saturday 28 June - 9am to 12.30pm
Venue: UTC- 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta
Cost: $70
Registration: Register and pay online at Eventbrite by Friday 20 June.
Contact: For further details- keen.symposium@gmail.com

Postcolonial engagement: Politics, Religions, Scriptures
This conference will explore ways of thinking and being postcolonial in colonial surroundings.

What legacies of colonization linger in the decisions, practices and events in and around our societies, faith communities, scriptures and nations? How might we engage the colonialist tendencies and blind-spots that drive the machineries of politics, economics, services, religions and scriptures? How might we live, interact, believe and read post colonially in our colonial and invaded contexts?

Venue: Centre for Ministry, 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta, NSW 2151
Date: 01- 02 August 2014
Call for papers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5es1b28m50p8x8w/postcolonialEngagement.doc
Deadline for proposals: April 30, 2014
Registration Fee: $70 full time, $30 student/pension all meals provided
Inquiries: Charissa Suli - charissasuli@bigpond.com

Macquarie Ancient Languages School
MALS is running its Winter Schools Programme from 7 to 11 July 2014. 
Click on this link for details and application form

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Thank you to all who participated we raised $260

Grants for Graduation
Grants for Graduation is a one year trial scholarship program funded by Family and Community Services and delivered by The Smith Family. The project aims to assist young people from social housing and those on the housing register (waiting list) or in crisis accommodation to undertake tertiary education.

As well as providing financial assistance, Grants for Graduation will assist scholarship recipients with access to support and mentoring.

Scholarships of up to $5000 will commence in financial year 2014/15. Application forms and guidelines are available from Student Administration. Closing date is 20th June.

‘The Gospel according to John illuminated’ by Fiona Pfennigwerth
We have taken delivery of 10 copies of the special publication and they will be available for sale at Camden Theological Library for $30 each. This will save purchasers having to pay the $10 shipping cost.

The Biennial Conference in Philosophy, Religion and Culture will take place 4 – 5 October 2014


The theme is to be interpreted broadly and from the disciplines of philosophy, theology, history, social science, literature and the arts.  Topics that might be investigated include: scandal in/of Christianity; structures of belief and opinion; secularisation, fundamentalism and inculturation; politics in the Bible and the Bible in politics; religion in the public forum; Christian ethics in a liberal democracy; liberation and equality.

The conference specifically aims to foster interaction between scholars in the universities and scholars in theological colleges.  It also encourages young scholars.

Keynote Speaker: Peter Forrest: The Epistemology of Scandal

'How can you continue to believe in the face of scandals?'. This question is not, I submit, merely a manifestation of the ad hominem fallacy exemplified by, "How can you take Frege seriously when he was a bigot?' Nor can it be dismissed by noting that the reality of sin is a central Christian doctrine.  I argue that 'right reason' requires not merely the rational assessment of doctrines but a way of deciding which doctrines to assess. Scandal undermines the appeal to authority when assessing but not the reliance on traditions when deciding what to assess. As a consequence, scandal tends to undermine 'simple faith' and mandates the, not necessarily academic, philosophical reflection on faith.
Proposals Due: 20 June 2014

Conveners: Stephen Buckle (ACU), William Emilsen (UTC/CSU), Peter Forrest (UNE), John McDowell (Newcastle), Shane Mackinlay (CTC/MCD), Andrew Murray (CIS/SCD)

Venue: Catholic Institute of Sydney
Contact: Andrew Murray: apmurray@cis.catholic.edu.au
Full details are available on the website:

Our weekly eNewsletter is also posted on our utcnews blog. To follow or subscribe go to http://utcnews.blogspot.com/

Remember to visit the NSW ACT Synod Community Connection

The newsletter is from the Faculty & College Assistant
Please direct news items to carlah@nsw.uca.org.au