25 Jul 2011

eNews 201160 Wk 3

With the people of Norway we lament the terrible loss of life, the many injured, the trauma and the scarring of families and nation.  We grieve that this could be associated with our own faith.  We search that our words and witness do not give room to allow or excuse violence or hatred.

Here is this week’s eNewsletter, to keep you in the loop.  The contents cover information for students, candidates for ministry, faculty, staff and librarians, as well as upcoming events and news of all sorts.
There have been a few visitors around the place.  The Godly Play participants have enjoyed the surrounds over the last two weeks. As well it was great to welcome Anita Monro back for the day on Friday, along with the other university chaplains. Clive and Gerard had a visit from the Rev Ai Nap, General Secretary of the Wa Baptist Convention in Burma.

Over the course of the semester we will run a series of guided meditations led by Gerard. Each session will commence with some breathing exercises, followed by a guided meditation.  Three types of meditation will be introduced.  We will spend three weeks with mantra style meditations.  hen we will enter the world of Ignatian meditation, taking up imagination based prayer. The final weeks of semester will be given over to lectio divina, a form of reading the scriptures in prayer. The dates and times are:

Thursday during semester 12.50-1.30
Starting July 28th till the final week of semester.
At present we do not plan to meet during the semester break, but that can be renegotiated.
Venue: tba

Simply come: If you need to bring a cushion do so, comfortable loose clothes preferable, smelly shoes outside.

A small committee has been formed to look at a better integration of the services we offer students, especially new students on campus.  Students will be represented by Kerrie Needham, and faculty by Stephen Burns.  Any ideas to them, or to Gerard.

Did you know that our study skills tutor for this semester is Carolyn Craig-Emilsen? Bookings can be made through the front office: see Joanne and Renee.

The timetable for 2012 is almost complete, and a version will be published soon.  Its never too early to start planning.

There have been a few changes to our course offerings for 2012The Master of Arts (Public and Contextual Theology) has been closed to new enrolments from the beginning of 2012.  Some of the areas covered will be folded into the MTh, while other subjects are part of the MMin.  The youth orientated awards have also been closed to new enrolments, however plans are afoot to incorporate that focus and material into the BTh and the Associate Degree.

The Student Association had its first meeting for Semester 2 on 19 July. Some points covered in this meeting were:
  • the appointment of John Barker as Treasurer, and a vote of thanks to Steve Lee for his work in the role up to date
  • End of Year Service and Dinner will be held 17th October. More information to follow.
  • A Pool Competition is running this semester and you can participate at any time you are at UTC. Rules and entry forms are in a pink folder on the pool table. All staff, students, and visitors at UTC are welcome to participate and there will be a prize for the winners in each category.
  • We also heard a report from our Senior Student and from the Committee of Studies Representatives.
The Student Association Executive is Salesi Faupula (Senior Student), Bec Lindsay (Chair), Amanda Nicholas (Secretary), John Barker (Treasurer), Steve Lee (outgoing Treasurer) and Suzanne Stanton (Social/Hospitality).

If you are a student at UTC and are not already on our mailing list you are encouraged to email utc.students@gmail.com so we can keep you up to date on meetings and events.
A congregational visit to Holroyd enabled candidates to see a complex unfolding future for the Uniting Church at Guildford.

  • Thank you Morning Tea on 29 July to thank Field Educators and Supervisors of Candidates.
  • RETREAT: August 10 at AWCE from 9.30am to 3.30pm.  This will be on “Creation Spirituality” led by Sister Jacinta Schaler: For more details see Carolyn or posters in the foyer
  • Look out for the Messy Church Conference.
  • The conference on Atheism is on later in October: See William Emilsen for details.

There are scholarships available, both from UTC and CSU!   Just scroll down and see what is available.

            UTC Scholarship Funds

■     Thatcher Memorial Lecture
●     Thatcher bequest to Camden College
●     Interest used for memorial lecture
■     Amelia P Little Prizes Capital
●     To assist students (full-time and part-time) in church appointments
●     Used as scholarships.
●     50% of Interest to Education Committee - Revenue
■     Matthew Henry Parkinson Prize
●     Bequest to Leigh College
●     To assist students in church appointments
●     50% of Interest to Education Committee - Revenue
■     Elizabeth M. Palmer Scholarship
●     To assist students in church appointments
●     50% of Interest to Education Committee - Revenue
■     Jock Inglis Fund: - Capital & Revenue
●     To train students in Human Relationships and Growth
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Revenue A/c used to assist students with CPE
■     Prizes Capital Fund
●     A common fund of various prizes that were formerly awarded in Camden or Leigh College
or the Theological Hall of St. Andrew’s College.
●     The funds were disbursed as book grants to all final year ministry candidates.
●     50% of Interest to Education Committee - Revenue
■     Library Capital Fund: - Capital & Revenue
●     Purchase of books for library
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     $5,000 per annum to Camden Theological Library from Revenue A/c to be spent
as agreed by the Library Manager and Principal
■     UTC Scholarship Fund Capital & Revenue
●     Established to assist students with the payment of fees incurred in taking special courses outside normal programme but which they have been encouraged to take.   Also available to assist third world students who are supported by their own church and theological education authorities
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Scholarships awarded from Revenue A/c
■     E.G.Conibear Bequest – Capital & Revenue
●     For the benefit of candidates for the Ministry of the Word 
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Scholarships awarded from Revenue A/c
■     Overseas Students Scholarships Fund – Capital & Revenue
●     Combination of Missionary Scholarship fund which was to assist students preparing for missionary service overseas or for students from overseas partner churches studying at UTC, and Overseas Students Scholarship Fund which was to assist overseas students with finance for fees and courses
●     Congregations continuing to donate to Capital Fund
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Scholarships paid from Revenue A/c.
●     Principal and Director of School of Continuing Education can jointly approve grants of up to $500 to overseas students to assist in Living Expenses
■     Neil McLeod Bequest – Capital & Revenue
●     Bequest to UTC for Theological Education
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Expenses of Deacon Students to attend Presessionals paid from Revenue A/c
■     Education Committee – Capital & Revenue
●     Source unknown
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Scholarships paid from Revenue A/c.
■     Education Library Fund - Revenue
●     Source unknown
■     Colin Dyster Post Graduate Award
●     Bequest to UTC in memory of Colin McKenzie Dyster to fund two annual awards -
●     On the recommendation of Faculty $5,000 to the student usually in the final year of study of BTh or BTh (Hons) who, in the opinion of Faculty, is the student with the most potential for post-graduate study.
●     $500 for a student entering pastoral ministry for the purchase of books or other materials related to the exercise of ministry.
■     Field Education Fund
●     Used to receive payments from parishes and pay students the equivalent of a living allowance while involved in Intern Field Education placement and to pay Field Education Expenses.
■     Jackson / Nicholls Bequests – Capital & Revenue
●     Combinations of Marjorie V Nicholls Bequest, an unspecified bequest to UTC formally used for scholarships or to fund visiting lecturers and the Jackson Bequest, an unspecified bequest to UTC and formally used for non “mission and service” projects
●     50% of Capital A/c interest to Revenue A/c
●     Currently used to fund scholarships for overseas students disadvantaged by a direction from national government to universities as to the fees that they should charge overseas students.
●     Scholarships of $300 per 8 point subject awarded from Revenue A/c
Application forms available at UTC Student Administration Office. For application forms or application deadlines please contact 02 8838 8914

CSU SCHOLARSHIPS http://www.csu.edu.au/scholarships/undergraduate/index.htm


The Charles Sturt Foundation provides over 200 undergraduate scholarships at the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange and Wagga Wagga campuses of Charles Sturt University. Most of these scholarships are funded by individuals or organisations who hold a strong belief in supporting the University and its students. Contact ASK CSU on 1800

Various sources of financial aid are available to students undertaking an overseas study experience. Please look at the categories below to find one that is appropriate for you. http://www.csu.edu.au/special/global/scholarship-funding/

The Australian government offers various scholarships for international students to study at Australian universities and vocational education and training institutions. These scholarships aim to develop mutual understanding through study, research, professional development and international education experiences, and to foster specialised research study.

The Commonwealth and CSU Equity Scholarships Program aims to assist students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those from rural and regional areas and Indigenous students, with costs associated with higher education. http://www.csu.edu.au/division/studserv/my-studies/equity/schols

Charles Sturt University's Student Equity Office in conjunction with Student Residences and Business are providing accommodation assistance to distance education students attending residential schools via the Residential Schools Equity Grants (RSEG) scheme. http://www.csu.edu.au/division/studserv/mystudies/equity/rses

Charles Sturt University recognises that unforeseen adverse or emergency events can occur for students.To assist students who suffer such events, CSU offers the Student Equity Emergency Grant (SEEG). The SEEG is a cash grant and is designed for those who are affected by individual disasters outside their personal control and excluding widespread ongoing disasters that affect large numbers of people and so are covered by Centrelink benefits (see Centrelink listing of Active and Closed Emergency Events). A cash grant of up to $500 will be considered.

Charles Sturt University (CSU) Excellence Scholarships are awarded to students based on a combination of academic merit, which is an ATAR score of 95.00 and above, inclusive of the Regional Bonus and evidence of demonstrated leadership and citizenship within the community.

The Scholarship is a cash scholarship of $5,000 per annum for students studying in an undergraduate course for a maximum of 5 years, provided the scholarship recipient continues to meet the scholarship ongoing eligibility.
In 2011 there are 12 CSU Excellence Scholarships available; allocated evenly and according to demand across all Faculties at CSU : Arts, Business, Education and Science. http://www.csu.edu.au/student/scholarships/excellence/

EQUITY & COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIPS                                     
At CSU, the Student Equity Service provides advice, advocacy and support for students who have been educationally disadvantaged. This includes students from a rural or isolated region, from low socio-economic or non-English speaking backgrounds and students with disabilities as well as Indigenous students and those students who applied through the Special Consideration for Admission Scheme.

CSU HONORS SCHOLARSHIPS                                                         
CSU makes a limited number of merit-based scholarships available to Honours students. This is applicable to any mode of Honours study.
  • Full-time students (75% or greater of a full course load) will receive $3000 in 2 instalments ($1500 in Session 1 and $1500 in Session 2).
  • Part-time students (50% of course load) will receive $1500 in 2 instalments ($750 in Session 1 and $750 in Session 2).
The scholarship is for a 12 -month period and all students can re-apply for a scholarship in the following year. http://www.csu.edu.au/student/scholarships/honours/

UTC does not administer any of these scholarships. We encourage you to visit the main CSU scholarships website http://www.csu.edu.au/scholarships/undergraduate/index.htm for more information regarding application and eligibility. If you have any questions please contact the relevant scholarship contacts which can be found on the relevant website links.
If you are a Candidate for Ministry, please check with the Dean of Candidates Office before applying for a Scholarship or Grant.

The newsletter is from the desk of Gerard Moore
News items to him by 3.00 pm each Friday

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